
Founded by Theohari Cosmin Alexandru, Theohari Law Firm is today a business-oriented law firm that offers specialized legal advice services in business law, as well as representation services in the relationships between professionals, administrative authorities and courts.

Our proposal

We offer a medium and long-term commitment. Having as a starting point the consideration that, in order to be useful, a legal opinion shall be focused on the client's business peculiarity, we are willing to establish a medium and long-term partnership that will allow us to understand the context of our partners’ activity, the particularities of the business and the principles underlying the management strategy. Thus, we can identify and manage the legal risks inherent in the current activity, as early as their occurrence. Integrating the legal opinions offered in the organization's overall dynamics, we secure your business without delaying managerial decisions, due to the lack of coherence of the solutions provided with the real needs of the company. For us, the quality of the legal act is reflected in the optimal consequences the client benefits of, with his aspirations and needs taken into consideration.

Our experience

We have provided legal advice services to some of the largest state owned and private companies. We have prepared and negotiated over 3,000 contracts in our clients’ business fields, we have been involved in numerous cases on competition law, insolvency, labour law, voluntary redundancy/reorganization, company transfer, investments, structural cost analyses, projects financed by European funds under the ESF through POSDRU / OP CU. We have been involved in managing over 3,500 disputes in national courts, in order to defend our Clients’ the rights and interests.

ISO 37001:2016 Experience

We were also the first law firm nationwide which provided legal advice for the implementation of anti-bribery management systems according to the International Standard ISO 37001: 2016 - Anti-bribery management systems. As a result of the services we provided, our Client was awarded the certification of anti-bribery management, under the patronage of RINA / ACCREDIA, becoming the first multinational company in Romania that holds an international anti-bribery certification. We are currently present on the market in this field by providing legal advice to some major state owned and private companies to implement and certify anti-bribery management systems according to ISO 37001.